RingDecomposerLib 1.0
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RingDecomposerLib.h File Reference

This file contains the API of the RingDecomposerLib library. More...

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struct  RDL_cycle


typedef struct RDL_data RDL_data
 Structure representing a calculation result. More...
typedef struct RDL_graph RDL_graph
 Datastructure representing a graph for calculations. More...
typedef unsigned RDL_node
 A node is represented by its index in the graph (0 to |V|-1).
typedef RDL_node RDL_edge[2]
 An edge is represented by an array of size two containing the adjacent nodes.
 error levels for custom logging functions
typedef void(* RDL_outputFunction) (RDL_ERROR_LEVEL level, const char *m,...)
typedef struct RDL_cycle RDL_cycle
typedef struct RDL_cycleIterator RDL_cycleIterator
 Iterator for relevant cycles. More...


 error levels for custom logging functions


RDL_API void RDL_setOutputFunction (RDL_outputFunction func)
 Set the output function for warning and error messages. More...
RDL_API void RDL_writeToStderr (RDL_ERROR_LEVEL level, const char *fmt,...)
 An output function for writing everything to stderr.
RDL_API void RDL_writeNothing (RDL_ERROR_LEVEL level, const char *fmt,...)
 No output function.
RDL_API RDL_graphRDL_initNewGraph (unsigned nof_nodes)
 Initializes a new RDL_graph. More...
RDL_API void RDL_deleteGraph (RDL_graph *graph)
 Delete RDL_graph. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_addUEdge (RDL_graph *graph, RDL_node node1, RDL_node node2)
 Adds an undirected edge to the graph. More...
RDL_API RDL_dataRDL_calculate (RDL_graph *input_graph)
 Calculates the RDL_data structure of the given graph and returns it. More...
RDL_API void RDL_deleteData (RDL_data *data)
 Deletes RDL_data from memory, including the RDL_graph. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofURF (const RDL_data *data)
 Returns the number of URFs. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRCF (const RDL_data *data)
 Returns the number of RCFs. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getWeightForURF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index)
 Returns the weight of each cycle in the URF identified by its index. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getWeightForRCF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index)
 Returns the weight of each cycle in the RCF identified by its index. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNodesForURF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index, RDL_node **RDL_node_array_ptr)
 Gives the nodes of an URF identified with its index in an array of RDL_node. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgesForURF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index, RDL_edge **RDL_edge_array_ptr)
 Gives the edges of an URF identified with its index. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNodesForRCF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index, RDL_node **RDL_node_array_ptr)
 Gives the nodes of an RCF identified with its index in an array of RDL_node. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgesForRCF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index, RDL_edge **RDL_edge_array_ptr)
 Gives the edges of an RCF identified with its index. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofURFContainingNode (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node)
 Returns the number of URFs that contain the given node. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofURFContainingEdge (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node1, RDL_node node2)
 Returns the number of URFs that contain the RDL_edge defined by the two given nodes. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRCFContainingNode (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node)
 Returns the number of RCFs that contain the given node. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRCFContainingEdge (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node1, RDL_node node2)
 Returns the number of RCFs that contain the RDL_edge defined by the two given nodes. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getURFsContainingNode (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node, unsigned **RDL_ids_ptr)
 Gives all URFs containing the node. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getURFsContainingEdge (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node1, RDL_node node2, unsigned **RDL_ids_ptr)
 Gives all URFs containing the edge. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCFsContainingNode (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node, unsigned **RDL_ids_ptr)
 Gives all RCFs containing the node. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCFsContainingEdge (const RDL_data *data, RDL_node node1, RDL_node node2, unsigned **RDL_ids_ptr)
 Gives all RCFs containing the edge. More...
RDL_API void RDL_deleteCycle (RDL_cycle *cycle)
 Free memory of RDL_cycle. More...
RDL_API RDL_cycleIteratorRDL_cycleIteratorNext (RDL_cycleIterator *it)
 Advance the cycle iterator by one. More...
RDL_API RDL_cycleRDL_cycleIteratorGetCycle (RDL_cycleIterator *it)
 Get the cycle as RDL_cycle. More...
RDL_API int RDL_cycleIteratorAtEnd (RDL_cycleIterator *it)
 Check if iterator is at end (invalid) More...
RDL_API void RDL_deleteCycleIterator (RDL_cycleIterator *it)
 Free memory of the cycle iterator. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCyclesForURF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index, RDL_cycle ***RDL_cycle_array_ptr)
 Gives all relevant cycles of the URF with the given index. More...
RDL_API RDL_cycleIteratorRDL_getRCyclesForURFIterator (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index)
 Get iterator for all relevant cycles of the URF with the given index. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCyclesForRCF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index, RDL_cycle ***RDL_cycle_array_ptr)
 Gives all relevant cycles of the RCF with the given index. More...
RDL_API RDL_cycleIteratorRDL_getRCyclesForRCFIterator (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index)
 Get iterator for all relevant cycles of the RCF with the given index. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCycles (const RDL_data *data, RDL_cycle ***RDL_cycle_array_ptr)
 Gives a list of all relevant cycles. More...
RDL_API RDL_cycleIteratorRDL_getRCyclesIterator (const RDL_data *data)
 Get iterator for all relevant cycles. More...
RDL_API double RDL_getNofRCForURF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index)
 Gives the number of relevant cycles in this URF. More...
RDL_API double RDL_getNofRCForRCF (const RDL_data *data, unsigned index)
 Gives the number of relevant cycles in this RCF. More...
RDL_API double RDL_getNofRC (const RDL_data *data)
 Gives the number of relevant cycles. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getSSSR (const RDL_data *data, RDL_cycle ***RDL_cycle_array_ptr)
 Gives a set of cycles that forms a Minimal Cycle Basis of the graph. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCPrototypes (const RDL_data *data, RDL_cycle ***RDL_cycle_array_ptr)
 Gives a list of relevant cycle prototypes (one for each RCF). More...
RDL_API void RDL_deleteCycles (RDL_cycle **cycles, unsigned number)
 Deallocates the structure given by RDL_getRCycles(), RDL_getSSSR(), RDL_getRCPrototypes() and RDL_getRCyclesForURF(), if called on its result and return value (the number of cycles) More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_translateCycArray (const RDL_data *data, RDL_cycle **old_array, unsigned number, char ***RDL_cycle_array_ptr)
 Translates the results of RDL_getRCycles(), RDL_getSSSR(), RDL_getRCPrototypes() and RDL_getRCyclesForURF() (arrays of RDL_cycle) into an array of cycles represented by arrays of {0,1}^|E| (bitsets). More...
RDL_API void RDL_deleteEdgeIdxArray (char **cycles, unsigned number)
 Deallocates the structure given by RDL_translateCycArray(), if called on its result and return value (the number of cycles). More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgeArray (const RDL_data *data, RDL_edge **RDL_edge_array_ptr)
 Gives the edges of the graph. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofEdges (const RDL_data *data)
 Get the number of edges in the graph. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgeId (const RDL_data *data, unsigned from, unsigned to)
 Get the id of the edge. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRingsystems (const RDL_data *data)
 Get the number of ring systems in the graph. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofNodesForRingsystem (const RDL_data *data, unsigned idx)
 Get the number of nodes in the ring system. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofEdgesForRingsystem (const RDL_data *data, unsigned idx)
 Get the number of edges in the ring system. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgesForRingsystem (const RDL_data *data, unsigned idx, RDL_edge **edges)
 Get the edges in the ring system. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNodesForRingsystem (const RDL_data *data, unsigned idx, RDL_node **nodes)
 Get the nodes in the ring system. More...
RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRingsystemForEdge (const RDL_data *data, unsigned from, unsigned to)
 Get the ring system id for given edge. More...


RDL_API RDL_outputFunction RDL_outputFunc
 the output function for warnings and errors
 Invalid result indicator.
 Duplicate edge indicator.
 No ringsystem indicator.
 Invalid number of RCs.

Detailed Description

This file contains the API of the RingDecomposerLib library.

Typedef Documentation

◆ RDL_cycle

typedef struct RDL_cycle RDL_cycle

This structure holds a cycle (or ring) in the graph. It is essentially an array of edges which are represented by pairs of nodes.

◆ RDL_cycleIterator

Iterator for relevant cycles.

Always check if the iterator is at end BEFORE incrementing or accessing it.

Example usage:

RDL_cycle *cycle;
RDL_cycleIterator *it = RDL_getRCyclesIterator(data);
while(!RDL_cycleIteratorAtEnd(it)) {
  cycle = RDL_cycleIteratorGetCycle(it);
  <do something with the cycle>

◆ RDL_data

typedef struct RDL_data RDL_data

Structure representing a calculation result.

This is the central structure, that is used to store the calculation results. Almost all functions in this header work on it.

◆ RDL_graph

typedef struct RDL_graph RDL_graph

Datastructure representing a graph for calculations.

Build graph data structure that is used for the calculation. The graph is stored as an adjacency list. The vertices are numbered from 0 to |V|-1. Call the following functions:

RDL_initNewGraph(unsigned V) to initialize a new graph with V vertices (returns RDL_graph *)

RDL_addUEdge(RDL_graph *, RDL_node from, RDL_node to) to add a new (undirected) edge from the vertex with index "from" to the vertex with index "to".

Then RDL_calculate can be called on it.

Function Documentation

◆ RDL_addUEdge()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_addUEdge ( RDL_graph graph,
RDL_node  node1,
RDL_node  node2 

Adds an undirected edge to the graph.

graphpointer to the RDL_graph that the edge will to be added to
node1,node2pair of RDL_node which the edge is going to connect
internal index of edge if successful, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failures (invalid index, loop), RDL_DUPLICATE_EDGE if the edge was already present

◆ RDL_calculate()

RDL_API RDL_data* RDL_calculate ( RDL_graph input_graph)

Calculates the RDL_data structure of the given graph and returns it.

input_graphThe graph for calculation.
pointer to the RDL_data containing the calculation result, NULL on failure
The RDL_graph has to be an undirected graph.
Takes ownership of the RDL_graph, if calculation is successful!

◆ RDL_cycleIteratorAtEnd()

RDL_API int RDL_cycleIteratorAtEnd ( RDL_cycleIterator it)

Check if iterator is at end (invalid)

0 if not at end, a non-zero value otherwise

◆ RDL_cycleIteratorGetCycle()

RDL_API RDL_cycle* RDL_cycleIteratorGetCycle ( RDL_cycleIterator it)

Get the cycle as RDL_cycle.

RDL_cycle holding the cycle, NULL on error
The RDL_cycle is constructed and returned as a pointer. You have to delete it using RDL_deleteCycle.
DO NOT call without checking RDL_cycleIteratorAtEnd

◆ RDL_cycleIteratorNext()

RDL_API RDL_cycleIterator* RDL_cycleIteratorNext ( RDL_cycleIterator it)

Advance the cycle iterator by one.

returns the iterator it itself, if successful; NULL on error
DO NOT call without checking RDL_cycleIteratorAtEnd

◆ RDL_deleteCycle()

RDL_API void RDL_deleteCycle ( RDL_cycle cycle)

Free memory of RDL_cycle.

cycleThe RDL_cycle to delete.

◆ RDL_deleteCycleIterator()

RDL_API void RDL_deleteCycleIterator ( RDL_cycleIterator it)

Free memory of the cycle iterator.


◆ RDL_deleteCycles()

RDL_API void RDL_deleteCycles ( RDL_cycle **  cycles,
unsigned  number 

Deallocates the structure given by RDL_getRCycles(), RDL_getSSSR(), RDL_getRCPrototypes() and RDL_getRCyclesForURF(), if called on its result and return value (the number of cycles)

cyclesThe array of cycles.
numberThe number of cycles in the array

◆ RDL_deleteData()

RDL_API void RDL_deleteData ( RDL_data data)

Deletes RDL_data from memory, including the RDL_graph.

datapointer to the RDL_data that is going to be deleted
also deletes the associated RDL_graph

◆ RDL_deleteEdgeIdxArray()

RDL_API void RDL_deleteEdgeIdxArray ( char **  cycles,
unsigned  number 

Deallocates the structure given by RDL_translateCycArray(), if called on its result and return value (the number of cycles).

cyclesThe translated array of cycles.
numberThe number of cycles in the array.

◆ RDL_deleteGraph()

RDL_API void RDL_deleteGraph ( RDL_graph graph)

Delete RDL_graph.

graphpointer to RDL_graph to delete
You don't have to delete the graph after successful calculation!

◆ RDL_getEdgeArray()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgeArray ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_edge **  RDL_edge_array_ptr 

Gives the edges of the graph.

the number of edges in the graph, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
RDL_edge_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_edge * and give address as parameter)
Result has to be deallocated using free(*RDL_edge_array_ptr)

◆ RDL_getEdgeId()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgeId ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  from,
unsigned  to 

Get the id of the edge.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
fromRDL_node starting at this edge
toRDL_node starting at this edge
edge id, RDL_INVALID_RESULT, if not present
As the graph is stored as an adjacency list, this function has linear runtime in the node degree.

◆ RDL_getEdgesForRCF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgesForRCF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index,
RDL_edge **  RDL_edge_array_ptr 

Gives the edges of an RCF identified with its index.

the number of edges in this RCF, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
indexthe index of the RCF
RDL_edge_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_edge * and give address as parameter)
Result has to be deallocated using free(*RDL_edge_array_ptr) Gives an array of edges where an edge is represented by two RDL_node that it connects.

◆ RDL_getEdgesForRingsystem()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgesForRingsystem ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  idx,
RDL_edge **  edges 

Get the edges in the ring system.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
idxindex of the ring system
edgespointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_edge * and give address as parameter)
Result has to be deallocated using free(*edges)
number of edges in the ring system, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
A ring system is a 2-connected component of the graph.

◆ RDL_getEdgesForURF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getEdgesForURF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index,
RDL_edge **  RDL_edge_array_ptr 

Gives the edges of an URF identified with its index.

the number of edges in this URF, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
indexthe index of the URF
RDL_edge_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_edge * and give address as parameter)
Result has to be deallocated using free(*RDL_edge_array_ptr) Gives an array of edges where an edge is represented by two RDL_node that it connects.

◆ RDL_getNodesForRCF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNodesForRCF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index,
RDL_node **  RDL_node_array_ptr 

Gives the nodes of an RCF identified with its index in an array of RDL_node.

the number of nodes in the RCF, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
indexthe index of the RCF
RDL_node_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_node * and give address as parameter)
result has to be deallocated using free(*RDL_node_array_ptr).

◆ RDL_getNodesForRingsystem()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNodesForRingsystem ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  idx,
RDL_node **  nodes 

Get the nodes in the ring system.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
idxindex of the ring system
nodespointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_edge * and give address as parameter)
Result has to be deallocated using free(*nodes)
number of nodes in the ring system, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
A ring system is a 2-connected component of the graph.

◆ RDL_getNodesForURF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNodesForURF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index,
RDL_node **  RDL_node_array_ptr 

Gives the nodes of an URF identified with its index in an array of RDL_node.

the number of nodes in the URF, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
indexthe index of the URF
RDL_node_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_node * and give address as parameter)
result has to be deallocated using free(*RDL_node_array_ptr).

◆ RDL_getNofEdges()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofEdges ( const RDL_data data)

Get the number of edges in the graph.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
number of edges in the graph, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error

◆ RDL_getNofEdgesForRingsystem()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofEdgesForRingsystem ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  idx 

Get the number of edges in the ring system.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
idxindex of the ring system
number of edges in the ring system, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
A ring system is a 2-connected component of the graph.

◆ RDL_getNofNodesForRingsystem()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofNodesForRingsystem ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  idx 

Get the number of nodes in the ring system.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
idxindex of the ring system
number of nodes in the ring system, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
A ring system is a 2-connected component of the graph.

◆ RDL_getNofRC()

RDL_API double RDL_getNofRC ( const RDL_data data)

Gives the number of relevant cycles.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
the number of relevant cycles RDL_INVALID_RC_COUNT if the number is too large to calculate or on failure

◆ RDL_getNofRCF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRCF ( const RDL_data data)

Returns the number of RCFs.

dataPointer to the RDL_data of which the number of RCF is requested
The number of RCFs, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure

◆ RDL_getNofRCFContainingEdge()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRCFContainingEdge ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node1,
RDL_node  node2 

Returns the number of RCFs that contain the RDL_edge defined by the two given nodes.

dataPointer to the RDL_data storing the calculation results.
node1,node2pair of RDL_node connected by the edge
number of RCFs containing the edge, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
This functions internally enumerates all edges for each RCF. For repeated checks with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getEdgesForRCF and check against this array.

◆ RDL_getNofRCFContainingNode()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRCFContainingNode ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node 

Returns the number of RCFs that contain the given node.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
nodethe RDL_node to look for in the RCFs
number of RCFs containing the node, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
This functions internally enumerates all nodes for each RCF. For repeated checks with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getNodesForRCF and check against this array.

◆ RDL_getNofRCForRCF()

RDL_API double RDL_getNofRCForRCF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index 

Gives the number of relevant cycles in this RCF.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
indexid of the RCF
the number of relevant cycles in the RCF or RDL_INVALID_RC_COUNT if the number is too large to calculate or on failure

◆ RDL_getNofRCForURF()

RDL_API double RDL_getNofRCForURF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index 

Gives the number of relevant cycles in this URF.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
indexthe index of the URF
the number of relevant cycles in the URF or RDL_INVALID_RC_COUNT if the number is too large to calculate or on failure

◆ RDL_getNofRingsystems()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofRingsystems ( const RDL_data data)

Get the number of ring systems in the graph.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
number of ring systems in the graph, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error

◆ RDL_getNofURF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofURF ( const RDL_data data)

Returns the number of URFs.

dataPointer to the RDL_data of which the number of URF is requested
The number of URFs, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure

◆ RDL_getNofURFContainingEdge()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofURFContainingEdge ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node1,
RDL_node  node2 

Returns the number of URFs that contain the RDL_edge defined by the two given nodes.

dataPointer to the RDL_data storing the calculation results.
node1,node2pair of RDL_node connected by the edge
number of URFs containing the edge, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
This functions internally enumerates all edges for each URF. For repeated checks with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getEdgesForURF and check against this array.

◆ RDL_getNofURFContainingNode()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getNofURFContainingNode ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node 

Returns the number of URFs that contain the given node.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
nodethe RDL_node to look for in the URFs
number of URFs containing the node, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
This functions internally enumerates all nodes for each URF. For repeated checks with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getNodesForURF and check against this array.

◆ RDL_getRCFsContainingEdge()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCFsContainingEdge ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node1,
RDL_node  node2,
unsigned **  RDL_ids_ptr 

Gives all RCFs containing the edge.

the number of RCFs containing the edge, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
node1the first RDL_node of the edge
node2the the second RDL_node of the edge
RDL_ids_ptrpointer that points to the result array of integers containing all indices of RCFs containing the edge. (declare unsigned * and give address as parameter)
The array RDL_ids_ptr has to be to be deallocated with free(*RDL_ids_ptr)
This functions internally enumerates all edges for each RCF. For repeated queries with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getEdgesForRCF once and use this array.

◆ RDL_getRCFsContainingNode()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCFsContainingNode ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node,
unsigned **  RDL_ids_ptr 

Gives all RCFs containing the node.

the number of RCFs containing the node, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
nodethe RDL_node
RDL_ids_ptrpointer that points to the result array of integers containing all indices of URFs containing the node. (declare unsigned * and give address as parameter)
The array RDL_ids_ptr has to be to be deallocated with free(*RDL_ids_ptr)
This functions internally enumerates all nodes for each RCF. For repeated queries with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getNodesForRCF once and use this array.

◆ RDL_getRCPrototypes()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCPrototypes ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_cycle ***  RDL_cycle_array_ptr 

Gives a list of relevant cycle prototypes (one for each RCF).

the number of prototypes, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
RDL_cycle_array_ptrpointer to the result array (declare RDL_cycle ** and give address as parameter) The result is an array of cycles.
Result has to be deallocated using RDL_deleteCycles(RDL_cycle **cycles, unsigned number)

◆ RDL_getRCycles()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCycles ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_cycle ***  RDL_cycle_array_ptr 

Gives a list of all relevant cycles.

the number of cycles, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
RDL_cycle_array_ptrpointer to the result array (declare RDL_cycle ** and give address as parameter) The result is an array of cycles.
Result has to be deallocated using RDL_deleteCycles(RDL_cycle **cycles, unsigned number)
Consider using RDL_getRCyclesIterator instead

◆ RDL_getRCyclesForRCF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCyclesForRCF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index,
RDL_cycle ***  RDL_cycle_array_ptr 

Gives all relevant cycles of the RCF with the given index.

the number of cycles found, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
indexthe index of the RCF
RDL_cycle_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array of cycles (declare RDL_cycle ** and give address as parameter)
RDL_cycle_array_ptr has to be deallocated using RDL_deleteCycles(RDL_cycle **cycles, unsigned number)
Consider using RDL_getRCyclesForRCFIterator instead

◆ RDL_getRCyclesForRCFIterator()

RDL_API RDL_cycleIterator* RDL_getRCyclesForRCFIterator ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index 

Get iterator for all relevant cycles of the RCF with the given index.

RDL_cycleIterator, NULL on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
indexthe index of the RCF
See RDL_cycleIterator for an example.

◆ RDL_getRCyclesForURF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRCyclesForURF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index,
RDL_cycle ***  RDL_cycle_array_ptr 

Gives all relevant cycles of the URF with the given index.

the number of cycles found, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
indexthe index of the URF
RDL_cycle_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array of cycles (declare RDL_cycle ** and give address as parameter)
RDL_cycle_array_ptr has to be deallocated using RDL_deleteCycles(RDL_cycle **cycles, unsigned number)
Consider using RDL_getRCyclesForURFIterator instead

◆ RDL_getRCyclesForURFIterator()

RDL_API RDL_cycleIterator* RDL_getRCyclesForURFIterator ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index 

Get iterator for all relevant cycles of the URF with the given index.

RDL_cycleIterator, NULL on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
indexthe index of the URF
See RDL_cycleIterator for an example.

◆ RDL_getRCyclesIterator()

RDL_API RDL_cycleIterator* RDL_getRCyclesIterator ( const RDL_data data)

Get iterator for all relevant cycles.

RDL_cycleIterator, NULL on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
See RDL_cycleIterator for an example.

◆ RDL_getRingsystemForEdge()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getRingsystemForEdge ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  from,
unsigned  to 

Get the ring system id for given edge.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
fromRDL_node starting at this edge
toRDL_node starting at this edge
number of edges in the ring system, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error RDL_NO_RINGSYSTEM if edge is not part of a ring system
A ring system is a 2-connected component of the graph.

◆ RDL_getSSSR()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getSSSR ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_cycle ***  RDL_cycle_array_ptr 

Gives a set of cycles that forms a Minimal Cycle Basis of the graph.

the number of cycles returned (|E|-|V|+1 for connected graphs), RDL_INVALID_RESULT on error
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
RDL_cycle_array_ptrpointer that points to the result array (declare RDL_cycle ** and give address as parameter)
Result has to be deallocated using RDL_deleteCycles(RDL_cycle **cycles, unsigned number) The result is an array of cycles.

◆ RDL_getURFsContainingEdge()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getURFsContainingEdge ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node1,
RDL_node  node2,
unsigned **  RDL_ids_ptr 

Gives all URFs containing the edge.

the number of URFs containing the edge, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
node1the first RDL_node of the edge
node2the the second RDL_node of the edge
RDL_ids_ptrpointer that points to the result array of integers containing all indices of URFs containing the edge. (declare unsigned * and give address as parameter)
The array RDL_ids_ptr has to be to be deallocated with free(*RDL_ids_ptr)
This functions internally enumerates all edges for each URF. For repeated queries with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getEdgesForURF once and use this array.

◆ RDL_getURFsContainingNode()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getURFsContainingNode ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_node  node,
unsigned **  RDL_ids_ptr 

Gives all URFs containing the node.

the number of URFs containing the node, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results
nodethe RDL_node
RDL_ids_ptrpointer that points to the result array of integers containing all indices of URFs containing the node. (declare unsigned * and give address as parameter)
The array RDL_ids_ptr has to be to be deallocated with free(*RDL_ids_ptr)
This functions internally enumerates all nodes for each URF. For repeated queries with different RDL_node it is recommended to enumerate them with RDL_getNodesForURF once and use this array.

◆ RDL_getWeightForRCF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getWeightForRCF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index 

Returns the weight of each cycle in the RCF identified by its index.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the URFs
indexthe index of the RCF
the weight of the RCF, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure (if index is out of range)

◆ RDL_getWeightForURF()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_getWeightForURF ( const RDL_data data,
unsigned  index 

Returns the weight of each cycle in the URF identified by its index.

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the URFs
indexthe index of the URF
the weight of the URF, RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure (if index is out of range)

◆ RDL_initNewGraph()

RDL_API RDL_graph* RDL_initNewGraph ( unsigned  nof_nodes)

Initializes a new RDL_graph.

nof_nodesthe number of nodes in the graph
pointer to the new RDL_graph structure.

◆ RDL_setOutputFunction()

RDL_API void RDL_setOutputFunction ( RDL_outputFunction  func)

Set the output function for warning and error messages.

funccallback function for errors and warnings
This function sets a static variable. When using multiple threads, only one thread should set the output function and the output function should be thread-safe.

Default is no output at all (RDL_writeNothing). Call RDL_setOutputFunction(RDL_writeToStderr) to enable output of warning and error messages to stderr.

◆ RDL_translateCycArray()

RDL_API unsigned RDL_translateCycArray ( const RDL_data data,
RDL_cycle **  old_array,
unsigned  number,
char ***  RDL_cycle_array_ptr 

Translates the results of RDL_getRCycles(), RDL_getSSSR(), RDL_getRCPrototypes() and RDL_getRCyclesForURF() (arrays of RDL_cycle) into an array of cycles represented by arrays of {0,1}^|E| (bitsets).

datapointer to the RDL_data holding the calculation results.
old_arrayThe resulting structure of the functions named above
numberThe return value of the functions named above (the number of cycles given)
RDL_cycle_array_ptrpointer to the result array (declare char ** and give address as parameter)
The number of cycles given (same as the parameter 'number'), RDL_INVALID_RESULT on failure
The initial structure still exists afterwards and still has to be deleted.

The resulting array has a 1 at position i if edge i is part of the cycle or 0 otherwise. An edge is identified by the position at which it was added to the graph starting at 0 (the return value of RDL_addUEdge()).