RingDecomposerLib 1.0
RDKit Example

A more complex examplefor using the RingDecomposerLib together with RDKit is:

# This file is part of the RingDecomposerLib, licensed
# under BSD New license (see LICENSE in the root directory).
# Copyright (c) 2016
# University of Hamburg, ZBH - Center for Bioinformatics
# Niek Andresen, Florian Flachsenberg, Matthias Rarey
# Please cite:
# Kolodzik, A.; Urbaczek, S.; Rarey, M.
# Unique Ring Families: A Chemically Meaningful Description
# of Molecular Ring Topologies.
# J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2012, 52 (8), pp 2013-2021
# Flachsenberg, F.; Andresen, N.; Rarey, M.
# RingDecomposerLib: An Open-Source Implementation of
# Unique Ring Families and Other Cycle Bases.
# J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2017, 57 (2), pp 122-126
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import argparse
import os
import random
import sys
import py_rdl
import rdkit.Chem
import rdkit.Chem.AllChem
import rdkit.Chem.Draw
def analyze_molecule(molecule):
data = py_rdl.Calculator.get_calculated_result(
molecule.GetBonds(), # pass edges
rdkit.Chem.Bond.GetBeginAtom, # get first atom
rdkit.Chem.Bond.GetEndAtom, # get second atom
rdkit.Chem.Atom.GetIdx, # identify atom
rdkit.Chem.Bond.GetIdx # identify edge
for urf in data:
print('URF for each atom')
for a in molecule.GetAtoms():
print(a.GetIdx(), data.get_urfs_for_node(a.GetIdx()))
print('URF for each bond')
for b in molecule.GetBonds():
print(b.GetIdx(), data.get_urfs_for_edge(b.GetIdx()))
return data
def get_rgb_from_hsv(h, s, v, a):
def clamp(v, minv, maxv):
return max(minv, min(v, maxv))
h = clamp(h, 0.0, 360.0)
s = clamp(s, 0.0, 1.0)
v = clamp(v, 0.0, 1.0)
i = int(h / 60.0)
r = (h % 60.0) / 60.0
p = v * (1.0 - s)
q = v * (1.0 - s * r)
t = v * (1.0 - s * (1.0 - r))
if i == 0 or i == 6:
return (v, t, p, a)
elif i == 1:
return (q, v, p, a)
elif i == 2:
return (p, v, t, a)
elif i == 3:
return (p, q, v, a)
elif i == 4:
return (t, p, v, a)
elif i == 5:
return (v, p, q, a)
raise ValueError("Internal color error")
def get_distinct_colors(nof_colors, h=0.0, s=0.8, v=0.4, a=1.0, variation=0.2):
colors = []
for i in range(nof_colors):
h_ = (h + i * 360.0 / nof_colors) % 360.0
s_ = s + variation * random.random()
v_ = v + variation + random.random()
colors.append(get_rgb_from_hsv(h_, s_, v_, a)[:-1])
return colors
def draw_molecule(mol, filename, higlights):
drawer = rdkit.Chem.Draw.rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG(200, 200)
drawer.DrawMolecule(mol, highlightAtoms=None, highlightBonds=highlights,
highlightAtomColors=None, highlightBondColors=highlights)
svg = drawer.GetDrawingText().replace('svg:', '')
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('RDKit ring family example')
parser.add_argument('--input', type=str, required=True,
help='Input file (.smi or .sdf)')
parser.add_argument('--output', action='store_true',
help='Write .svg output files with URFs')
args = parser.parse_args()
ext = os.path.splitext(args.input)[1]
if ext == '.smi':
supplier = rdkit.Chem.SmilesMolSupplier(args.input, titleLine=False)
elif ext == '.sdf':
supplier = rdkit.Chem.SDMolSupplier(args.input)
raise ValueError('invalid extension: %s' % ext)
for i, mol in enumerate(supplier):
print("Molecule", i)
if mol is None:
if mol.HasProp("_Name"):
name = mol.GetProp("_Name")
name = "NO_NAME"
data = analyze_molecule(mol)
if args.output:
rcps = data.get_relevant_cycle_prototypes()
rcf_colors = get_distinct_colors(len(rcps))
urf_colors = get_distinct_colors(data.get_nof_urf())
for j, r in enumerate(rcps):
outfile_name = args.input + '_{}_rcp_{}.svg'.format(i, j)
highlights = {b: rcf_colors[j] for b in r.edges}
draw_molecule(mol, outfile_name, highlights)
for j, r in enumerate(data.get_relevant_cycles()):
outfile_name = args.input + '_{}_rc_{}_rcf.svg'.format(i, j)
highlights = {b: rcf_colors[r.rcf.index] for b in r.edges}
draw_molecule(mol, outfile_name, highlights)
outfile_name = args.input + '_{}_rc_{}_urf.svg'.format(i, j)
highlights = {b: urf_colors[r.urf.index] for b in r.edges}
draw_molecule(mol, outfile_name, highlights)